Use this page to make adjustments to the student's course options. This will only impact the selected student's course.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does my student retake the placement exam?
Disable the old placement exam and then re-enroll the student in the placement exam.
Does the Pretesting option work on all courses?
Pretesting is not available or does not work on the following courses:
- AP courses
- Language Arts courses, due to reading passages
- CTE project-based career courses
- eDynamic Learning courses
- World Language LMS
Do all the course options work on eDynamic Learning courses?
No. Despite being listed, spiral review, pretesting, and prescriptive testing will not work on these courses.
If I choose to make changes to active enrollments, will the parallel educator accounts be impacted too?
Yes. When you make changes to the edit options for a course and choose to affect enrollments, the edit options for the parallel educator account enrollment are updated along with the edit options of the students.
Need to know how to access this page? View the steps here.
- Click Edit Options.
- Make the adjustments needed. To learn more about each one, click here.
- Click Submit.